Friday, July 16, 2010

Age before beauty?

It has been one of those weeks. On paper it had potential for being a good week, but in reality the wheels have fallen off. The truly sad thing is that I really don't feel like I have accomplished very much. I think I am going to have to put it in the same category as my "circuit" training sessions - surviving is the accomplishment.

Today however has been the icing on the cake. I was at the hospital until after midnight last evening trying to prevent some well meaning medicine doctors from killing a patient. She had extreme airway issues, and the patient and I seemed to be the only two people who truly appreciated that fact. After many hours at the bedside, and endless hours on the phone talking to radiation oncologist, medical oncologist, cardiologist, pulmonologist and intensivist (all who were tucked into their beds at home), we worked out a plan. Or so I thought.

Today, everyone kept trying to change the plan. As I was explaining to the medical oncologist for what seemed like the hundredth time why it was not safe to biopsy her endobronchial lesion, he had the nerve to tell me to my face, that he would like someone with a little more experience. I quickly explained to him that when it came to the surgical treatment of difficult airways, there wasn't a person in the hospital with more experience than me. So when he said what he really meant was someone older, I almost lost it. In all honesty, you would prefer someone with less experience and less knowledge about the problem just because they happen to have grey hair and wrinkles?

I am probably a little sensitive to the problem because I have had two patients recently request to see one of my "more senior" partners. They reassure me it's not me, they would just feel more comfortable with someone "older." I get wanting to have someone with lots of experience and wisdom, but it is important to remember that those things don't necessarily come with age.

It did make me feel better that ultimately both patients had to come back and see me because neither of my "older" partners perform the procedures that they need. It also made me smile from ear to ear when the medical oncologist was told by my two partners and one of the cardiac surgeons that not only was I right, but when it came to difficulties of the airway, they would defer to the "young" Dr. Baxter as she had the most experience.

Just think how much money I can now save on facial cream and hair color.