Saturday, February 2, 2013


For those of you unfamiliar with the word Savasana, it is the last pose performed in yoga class.  It is also known as corpse pose - now you see why it goes by the Sanskrit.  The pose is much like it sounds.  You lie on your back with eyes closed and palms open toward the ceiling.  You then spend the next few minutes only concerned with the rhythm of your breathing.  (Okay - I guess the breathing part would be fairly creepy in a corpse.)

It is my favorite part of yoga, and not just because it is the easiest.  It is a great time to not only catch your breath - yoga can be strenuous when taught well - but to rest your mind.  After spending the last hour or so having to concentrate only on contorting your body into what feels like an unnatural position, your brain has yet to pick back up the million other thoughts that are usually swirling around.  It is the time when I find it easiest to truly think of nothing - perhaps the closest I may ever come to true meditation.  I finish yoga feeling not only physically refreshed, but mentally as well.

This week at Canyon Ranch has been one long Savasana pose for me.  It couldn't have come at a better time - mentally, physically and spiritually.  I had a fantastic week and learned a lot, but mostly I feel renewed.  I was able to give both my mind and body a rest.
