Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Winter Time Blues

Leaving Miami might not have been my brightest move ever.

Yes it is wonderful being close to my family. It is great being able to see my best friends and the kids on a random Tuesday. I even recognize - despite the current state of unsettledness - how great it is to be able to afford a house and shoes.

However, I am not a fan of winter. It's not the cold. (I have an enormous amount of coats, gloves and scarves - especially considering I have spent all but 12 months of my life living below the Mason-Dixon.) It's the lack of sunshine and daylight. Nashville is at the Eastern edge of Central time. This means that it starts getting dark here around 4:45 in the afternoon. Therefore, unless I leave work in the middle of the afternoon, by the time I get home, it feels like bed time - even though the clock may only say 6:30. This leads to an entire week going by with my accomplishing NOTHING outside of work. Throw in back to back weekends of crazy call, and I am down for the count.

Okay, enough whining. I will figure this out. Perhaps I can start getting up at 4:30 and get things accomplished then - the sun comes up by 5 here so it is at least light. Or perhaps I will just keep thinking of solutions.