Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Things I miss

Things have been a little hectic around here, but crazy in a good way. I did manage to have a great, albeit busy birthday yesterday. I am currently waiting to start a lung transplant. I won't complain because this is the longest I have been able to sit in my office in a couple of weeks.

As I am sitting hear ignoring the mountain of paperwork on my desk, I am reminded that it is spring. . . not so much by the weather here, but by a picture on CNN. Spring has always been my favorite season. I love the flowers, the weather, the promise of new beginnings. Back home, spring was easy to spot. The first sign is usually the daffodils poking up their perky little heads, tulips soon follow and then the azaleas and pear trees. The entire world soon becomes coated in a cheery shade of yellow (my mom doesn't so much love that part). The mornings start off with a bite of cold, but one knows that the sun will be shining by early afternoon. All is as it should be.

Dafodils and tulips don't grow here - it doesn't get cold enough for the bulbs in the winter. Azaleas and pear trees can't take the summers. The mangoes bloom, but not overtly lovely and the pollen can't be seen so much as felt. It never got cold, so you can't celebrate the warm quite the same way. Don't get me wrong, I like the winter, but must admit that I kind of miss the spring.

Since I am not sure when I will have time to blog again, belated birthday wishes to my friend Kris, happy birthday to sweet Grace, and early birthday wishes to my friends Beth and Sapna.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Livin' La Vida Loca

Somedays I think I have been transported to an alternative universe.

While on call this weekend, I went swimming in the Atlantic. I wore expensive sunglasses (something I always argued was a waste of money, and must now reluctantly admit to being useful) while lying on the sand studying for my boards.

I have a trainer and a Pilates instructor. I run - on purpose, and occasionally even well. I have completed two 5Ks, and am training for a half-marathon.

I find myself discussing weekend "getaway" trips to Aruba and Puerto Rico. I now automatically greet people in Spanish, and can hold my own pretty well conversationally.

Is this really an alternative universe, or just having a life? It has been so long since I had a life, I am not sure that I will recognize it when it happens.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Only me

I have spent all of my life until now in high pollen climates. North Georgia (where I spent the first 32 years of my life) is considered one of the worst areas in the country for pollen. I then moved to middle Tennessee - another hot spot. Philly has a shorter pollen season, but makes up for it by a higher number of pollens in the fall.

Did I have allergies while living in any of these places? Of course not. I waited until I moved to South Florida - a place touted as having some of the lowest pollen counts in the country. The place the doctor encourages you to visit in the spring to escape the pollen counts elsewhere. Proof positive that I am so far from normal we don't even share a zip code.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

So wish I were kidding

I went home for Easter, and had a fabulous time. Will try to post pictures soon. It was actually quite hard to force myself back on that plane to Miami. Luckily, it has been an incredibly busy week, so no time to sit around feeling sorry for myself.

After a crazy day at work on Tuesday, I headed to the gym to meet my trainer - as I do every Tuesday night. However, this night was a bit different. I walked into the locker room, and it had been taken over by cheerleaders. So not kidding. Everywhere you looked, there was a 20 something year old woman with perfect bodies in some state of undress. While this may be every guy's dream, it is not exactly the dream of any woman I know.

They were at the gym to attend one of the dance classes. So as I am hurriedly trying to change into my gym clothes without exposing a single inch of my less than perfect body, I got to hear what 20 year old cheerleaders talk about in dressing rooms. I watched and listened as one after one, they stood in front of the mirror and pointed out their perceived flaws to each other. This halter makes my arms look big, can you believe how wide my hips are, my legs are huge in these tights, etc. etc. Turns out, they are not so much different than the rest of us.

It did make me wonder - is there a woman a live that is truly happy with her body?