Friday, December 3, 2010

Boot weather

Winter finally decided to visit South Florida. We have had lows in the 60's for the last two days, and they are predicting 45 on Tuesday. I know I can feel all the sympathy rolling my way, but I'm not writing this to complain about how cold it is (even though it does feel quite frigid out there this am).

I am writing to rejoice for the return of the "wearing of the boots." Every woman that I know be she young or old loves boots. I don't know why or how, but there is something about a boot that makes every woman feel just a little more sexy and pulled together. We all walk a little taller with a little more strut to our step when we are sporting a cute pair of boots. South Florida girls are no different. We just have less occasion to wear them. {I am officially ignoring the 20 somethings that wear Uggs with daisy dukes and tank tops.}

As soon as the weather drops below 70 degrees here, every female under the age of 90 pulls out the boots. You don't know when it might get this cold again so you have to take advantage it. I myself am quite upset that I missed a "boot day" yesterday because I was freezing in scurbs and clogs on a plane at 40,000 feet somewhere over the Atlantic ocean. I made up for it today with a very cute "boot ensemble" if I do say so myself.

Let's see, they are predicting 4 more days of cold weather, and I have 6 more pairs of boots to wear. Difficult - sure, but far from impossible to pull off.

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