Thursday, September 29, 2011

Darwinism run amok

Darwin argued that species adapt to survive, and those that do not adapt perish. My body seems to have taken that concept to an unhealthy extreme.

My trainer is constantly remarking on how quickly my body adapts. She changes my training program every three weeks so that my body doesn't get used to it. I had perceived this as a good thing. I get to try different stuff at the gym so not only does my body not grow accustom, but my mind doesn't get bored either.

Then the last two months happened. As anyone who has tried to reach me can attest, the only free time I have had the last two months required that I leave the state or even the country. Otherwise, I work, eat and sleep. When I showed up for my training session yesterday, I realized it was only the third session I had made it to in the last 8 weeks (and I normally train 3 x per week!).

Turns out my body also adapts quickly to not working out. During my session yesterday, I had a whole new appreciation for the Biggest Loser contestants. The closest I have ever come to being physically sick from a work-out, and the first time I wasn't able to complete one in its entirety. This morning - walking hurts. We won't even discuss lifting my arms.

Let's hope that it readapts as quickly. If not, I'm in for a rough fall.

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