Thursday, September 6, 2012

Where to start . . .

Okay - I've been bad.  I'm sorry.  I would say that it won't happen again, but we all know that is likely not true.  In my defense, it has been a very tumultuous time here in South Florida, and much of the last few months have been mostly about trying to stay alive.  

A little hyperbole there - we were barely glanced by the tropical storm.  However on a professional level, it's been fairly treacherous here the last few months.  I won't bore you with the details, mostly because they are too depressing to discuss.  However, for an example of the last few months, I was at a meeting with the Provost of the University recently when he likened a faculty member's concern (which truly was a petty issue) to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.  The man who runs my University feels that we are on a sinking ship - hmmmm - time for a job search?

Things are still incredibly unstable here, but I'm trying to remind myself that my mother is right - things usually happen the way they are supposed to - even if it doesn't fit my personal timeline or plan.  I won't tell you that I completely have my mental state back to a good place, but I'm working on getting it there.   

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