Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Home Sweet Home

Yesterday was punch list day for my new house. For those of you, like me, who have no idea what that means, allow me to explain. During a punch list, one walks through one's soon to be purchased home with a roll of blue painter's tape. One then marks every imperfection that one sees regardless of how small, and the builder then fixes it. Basically, an OCD girls dream. Although at one point I was fairly certain they were going to take my tape away due to overuse - it actually went pretty well. There are only two "real" issues with the house both of which seem like easy fixes - if one is a plumber and an electrician.

All of that being said, it means that move in day is rapidly approaching. This weekend as a matter of fact. Although the spector of closing on Friday still has me somewhat petrified, I am starting to get really excited about moving into this house. Let's just hope the excitement wins out over the commitment issues. Hopefully pictures soon to follow.

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