Sunday, February 8, 2009


I enjoyed genetics in school. It all seems relatively simple. You have two parents that each contribute one gene to each trait. On the surface, it even seems to work. My brown eyed dad and blue eyed mom have one child with brown eyes and one with blue. Of course, my sister somehow got my dad's long eyelashes to go with my mom's blue eyes, but I'm not too bitter. It would seem that we should all be a perfect combination of our parents. I may have gotten my dad's eyes and the "Baxter" round face, but anyone that has ever seen pics of my mom at my age will agree that all the rest of my features come from her. I also am 4 inches shorter than my nearest in height parent - where are the genetics there. And don't even get me started on how my friends Kris and Bassam have a blue-eyed son or a red haired daughter!

This whole genetic rumination started today in the gym. I have decided that I have a congenital absence of deltoids. I have pretty good upper body strength. It is a combination of having to position patients at work, and preferring upper body workouts over lower body ones (what seriously depraved person invented the squat?). However, I have never had strong deltoids. I can complete full sets of curls with 15lb weights, bench press 50 lbs, but I am still doing 5lb military presses and struggling. We won't even discuss my poor lateral raises. Is it possible that I was born without the requisite triad of muscles that make up ones shoulder? I watch TV and salivate over Kelly Ripa's delts and one of my favorite movie scenes is the dance in American President - Annette Benning's shoulders are to die for. It is even more frustrating to read everywhere about how the deltoids are the "easiest" upper body to build. On what planet?

Sorry, but I am no longer convinced that Gregory Mendel guy had a clue.

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