Sunday, April 10, 2011

Cease Fire

For the last several months, my body and I have been at war. We'll call me the freedom fighters. I simply wanted to free my body from a measly 10 lbs that it has had in its possession for the last 15 years. My body, which we will call the Rebel forces, has stubbornly refused to concede so much as a pound.

I have tried everything, and I mean everything. I did a flush and a cleanse. I severely calorie restricted. I lowered my carbs. I massively increased my protein and tried higher calories. I gave up caffeine and sugar. When none of that worked, I consulted a nutritionist. She had me give up dairy, gluten and soy. I could now eat comfortably with the cave men.

I increased my training to three days a week. My trainer is pushing me so much that random people come up to me in the gym to comment on how hard she works me out. I run, stair master and elliptical 3-4 days per week. I have never been stronger or in better shape in my life. However, the scale hasn't budged a single pound.

I was slowly going crazy when I actually stopped a minute to think. I truly feel wonderful. I have tons of energy, and for the first time in my life, I actually feel athletic. I no longer obsess about calories or when my next meal is coming. I truly eat when I'm hungry, and stop when I'm full. I am at a perfectly acceptable weight, and can wear everything in my closet. Why am I so obsessed about a number on a scale and flat abs?

I then started to think of all the things my body has done for me. It puts up with a ridiculous schedule that rebels half it's age would struggle. It tolerates sleep deprivation, sporadic feedings, dehydration, long periods between bathroom breaks, endless hours upright, and a ridiculous level of stress. All without complaints, and without ever truly letting me down.

Therefore, I have decided to call a truce. At the end of the day, both sides are working toward the same goal - a healthy old age. If it is happy with an extra 10 lbs, and has some odd moral objection to flat abs - so be it. I concede. I will continue to work out and eat cleanly because quite frankly I must admit that I like how it makes me feel. In return I simply ask that it continue to allow me to survive and even thrive on my crazy life.

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