Monday, December 12, 2011


What just made it to the top of my Christmas list? An A/C repairman. I spent most of Saturday out and about - work, gym, mall, Target, Publix, hairdresser, dinner and finally the theater. I was truly only home for about ten minutes between the hairdresser and dinner/theater to change clothes. I remember thinking that it seemed hot at home, but I attributed that to the mad dash I was doing around the apartment trying to pull together a cute look in less than 15 minutes. However by 3 am Sunday morning, it was obvious something was wrong. By 3 pm Sunday afternoon, the thermostat was reading 85 degrees - in my living room!!!!

I contacted the handyman that my condo owner has on retainer. He was away for the weekend. He originally told me that he would be happy to come by mid week. One quick email to my owner later, and he will be by this afternoon.

We will add this to the list of things that are only in Miami

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