Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy 2013!!!

Happy New Year - only a day late in making that wish to you is good for me. 

It has been a very interesting close of 2012 for me.  It is no secret that I didn't have the best year - professionally or personally.  The close of such an annus horribilis would normally have been a time of great anxiety for me.  It would have led to much soul searching, bemoaning the hand that fate has dealt me, and schemes for a better new year. 

However, against all odds, and perhaps good sense, I have a good feeling about 2013.  I have no scientific evidence to back up such a claim, and nothing has happened per se in my life to lead me to this belief.  I just know it to be true, truly.  It isn't one of those hoping for the best things; I actually know that 2013 is destined to bring great things for me.  Perhaps my inner intuition is blossoming here in my 40th year, or perhaps the logical side of me is just playing the odds - statistically I am due for a good year.  Regardless of the reason, I am fully embracing this feeling and going into 2013 with an open spirit.

Therefore, I make only one "resolution" for the year - I will be open to all that 2013 has to bring.  Here's to a great year.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great resolution to me! Go get 'em, friend!!
