Thursday, February 16, 2017

Attitude Adjustment

So I need to find my happy place and quickly.

To say that things have been a mite difficult at work lately is an understatement of gargantuan proportions.  I won't bore you with the details mostly because the idea of seeing all the reasons work is currently not a good place for me is likely to end with me in tears.  I will say that I am near a breaking point that I have never approached previously.

My career trajectory has not always been a bouquet of roses, but I have always been able to accept the good and make peace with the bad.  I have previously had what I am now seeing as an enviable ability to not see things or at least separate myself and more importantly my happiness from things I could not change.  Perhaps that is the problem.  Perhaps, quite mistakenly, I have convinced myself that I could change some things about my situation and am frustrated with the reality of that not happening.

I guess that leaves me at a place where I have some difficult decisions to make.  Can I unsee what I have now seen?  Can I separate my happiness from my professional self?  Doesn't my professional self make up a huge part of my personal happiness?

I don't know the answer to any of the above questions, but realize the importance of finding them.  I refuse to remain the unhappy dejected person that I have morphed into currently.  

1 comment:

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