Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I spend way too much of my life waiting. I seem to wait on all kinds of things. . . My operating room to be ready, my patient to be asleep, my conference to start, Mr Right to come. I am currently waiting for a conference to start. Who decides that Wednesday afternoon at 5pm is a great time to have a pathology conference. I mean if I am not still operating (which is the norm) - I want to be headed home. Oh well - wait I will continue to do.

Things continue to be well here. Weather still absolutely gorgeous. If this is still summer - sign me up for more of it. I am starting to put together a career plan and I am trying to solicit help. I need ideas of places to live - everyone can't say Nashville or Atlanta. I think I am looking for a medium to large city with a large busy hospital. I am leaning toward Academic, but not entirely sold. The idea of a sweet busy private practice job somewhere with Bree as my NP sounds pretty good to me. She can run everything and I will just operate. Wait - this is sounding better and better. Anyway - I am very serious about help with this whole deciding where to live thing. I mean seriously - how does one decide where to live for more than a 5 year commitment?

Yes - I know that at heart this all goes back to my commitment issues. I don't know why I have them, but I do. Maybe that will be my way to get on Oprah. I would prefer to be her next Dr Oz - he is after all a cardiothoracic surgeon who seems to know a lot more than the rest of us CT surgeons about things outside the chest.

Okay, I have now progressed to just random thoughts so I will stop here. I still have 30 minutes to kill. Maybe I will shop online for an Obama shirt. I saw a couple on Halle Berry that were adorable. I know that they will not be quite the same on me, but allow me these hallucinations.


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