Monday, October 11, 2010

Lack of Oxygen?

I have started having auditory hallucinations. No boring voices for me - that would be too normal. I hear a ringing phone or a text message chirp - EVEN when I don't have my phone and no one else around me does either!

Yesterday I went for a run - 8 miles and I almost died, but I digress. I live with my phone constantly attached to me. I don't have a pager, which I love, but that means I always have to have my phone so the hospital can reach me. The one exception that I give myself is while I am exercising on days that I am not on call. It's not often, but on those days for one or two hours I get to be completely alone and unreachable. It is FANTASTIC.

Yesterday happened to be one of those days, so I didn't even carry my phone with me to the gym. The fact of it not being there, however, did not stop me from hearing it. I must have looked for it twenty times while I was running because I would have sworn that I heard it. Granted there didn't seem to be a lot of oxygen going to my brain, but this was pathetic. Have I become so co-dependent on my phone that I hear it even when it's not there? Luckily when I went home, it was not to find twenty missed calls or texts - that would have been just too freaky.

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