Friday, October 1, 2010

Wrong again

I had honestly hoped that the simple act of moving to the beach would open up this whole new life for me. It would be filled with glitzy parties, cute guys, ladies lunches, and late night strolls on the beach. Okay - I admit that I have a very active imagination. A very active imagination that is very good at ignoring the actual reality of my career choice.

What has it actually been like living on the beach? I must admit not much different. The view is a little nicer, but until VERY recently, I couldn't see it for the boxes. When it is dark, which it is both when I leave for work and when I come home, the ocean is really more of a sound than a sight anyway. I have met a few people in my building, but I seem to have a different schedule than most. I am getting up when most of the people who lead the life of which I dream are just lying down to bed. Even worse, my bedtime these days seems to be even earlier than Grace's and she's 4! I don't regret moving to the beach. I think I will really enjoy it here. I was just hoping for a week or two of seeing how the "other half" live. Guess there is more to it than just the right zip code after all.

On the positive side, things are finally going very well at work which partly explains why I haven't been out more, and I am almost unpacked which explains the rest of why I haven't been out more. However, despite being on call this weekend, I plan to go new car shopping. Convertible here I come - wish me luck!

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