Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Pep talk time

Okay, I have been trying to give myself a pep talk the last few days, and must admit it just isn't working. I think all of those years of surgical training when I tried to convince myself it wasn't really as bad as it felt just made me skeptical.

What dreadfully bad task am I trying to psych myself up for you ask? Swim suit shopping! Oh the horror.

Problem is that I live in sunny southern Florida, where you can pretty much wear a swim suit 10 months out of the year. Second problem, my last swim suit came from Target, several years ago. It is time to suck it up and go buy a couple of new ones. However, a weekend getaway to Libya sounds more pleasing to me than walking into a store and trying on new suits.

Is there any woman out there that actually likes to go swim suit shopping? And if so, can you please let me in on your secret?

1 comment:

  1. Hate it. Get online to Athleta, Lands End and maybe Victoria's Secret (very hit or miss luck on that last one). Order a bunch, try 'em in the privacy of your home and return the crappy ones!
