Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Glory Days

Many of a rough day of training was survived by imagining the "Glory days" of being an Attending. Big salary, better hours, less stress, more control - all things for which I could look forward. Boy was I delusional. At least as a fellow, I would have gone home several times the last few weeks for hours violations.

Last Thursday I came home at 11pm, made a quick dinner, sat on the couch to eat, and my next conscious thought was at 6:47 am Friday morning. I woke up on my couch, still in my scrubs with my dinner still on the coffee table - untouched.

Tonight I finally got home before 9pm. How am I celebrating you might ask? I'm getting ready for bed. The heating pad is warming as I brush my teeth with the smell of Icy Hot still in the air. Oh, these are the Glory Days.

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