Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Naughty Chair

So I got to spend some time in the naughty chair today.  After I finished my cases today, my plan was to quickly stop by my office, grab my coat and run over to the other hospital.  However, my assistant seemed to have other plans.  She followed me into my office, with her arms crossed.  Never good.

"I know it was a bad week last week, but . . ", she began.  She then listed all of the charts, billing, signatures, patient phone calls, and path reports that needed my attention - some now for quite some time. You noticed that giving up procrastination was not one of my resolutions.

Alas, four hours, and much complaining on my part later, I had atoned for my sins, and was again allowed free reign of the hospital.  Would like to say that I learned my lesson, but unlikely.

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