Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Non Diet

Despite my big plan to stop obsessing about my age, and start working on my weight - truth was that I had no idea how to do it.  As many of you know, I have tried every diet on the planet, and I mean everything.  I have calorie restricted, low carb'ed, amped up protein, gone Paleo, gone Gluten free, tried vegetarian, vegan.  I have tried shakes, meal replacements and even a cleanse (that one I will never ever do again.)  Nothing has worked for me, unless you mean leaving me hungry and grumpy.  So, I was at somewhat of a loss despite my renewed dedication to "healthy" living.

Cue Karma.  As last week went by, I was still floundering around for ideas.  Then almost magically when I woke up Thursday morning, I had an email waiting from my friend and old trainer.  She was checking in, and recommended that I try a new book and blog site that she has been reading.  She is very well aware of my long diet history, and was an upfront witness for many of the failures.  She had recently come across a book by Matt Stone.  It is basically the No Diet diet book.  I've now spent the entire weekend reading it and perusing websites about the concept.  I'm convinced enough to try it.

The idea is to have no food group off limits.  There are no restrictions about how much of each food or strange balances.  I eat when I'm hungry and don't eat when I'm not hungry - novel thought.  The idea is to disassociate guilt and eating.  Food should be used for nourishment and comfort - not for rewards or punishment.  This part may be a little difficult for me as I have a running tally in my head of good vs evil food.  However, I like the idea.  I like the idea of sitting down for a meal, and eating what appeals to me - not what I think I should eat.  According to the book, it's not uncommon to "go a little crazy" and gorge on traditionally "bad" foods.  However, the idea is that once they are no longer off limits, and you have "eaten your fill", then your body naturally goes back to a fairly balanced way of eating.

Hmmm - here goes nothing.

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