Thursday, August 29, 2013

Needing Nail Nirvana

I desperately need my nails done.  The kind of desperate that almost had me looking for nail clippers, and for a girl that hasn't cut her own nails in 15 years - that's desperate.  It should be simple enough to get them done.  My place that I use is literally right down the street from my condo.  I am just starting to think it wasn't meant to be.

Was convinced that last weekend was going to be a disaster since I was on call everywhere - quietest weekend ever - necessary to wear closed toe shoes.

Monday night I had a 6 pm appointment - clinic ran long and I had to cancel - chipped two nails.

Tuesday night appointment at 5 pm - nail technician had emergency had to cancel - am now at fear toenail fighting it's way through sock.

Wednesday appointment at 5 pm - in operating room with disaster case - could feel my nails growing through my gloves.

Thursday appointment at noon - after clinic, but before meetings started - should have known better - consults, late patients in clinic, etc - nails currently clacking away on keyboard - I hate that sound.

I have an appointment scheduled for tomorrow after work.  Of course, I also need to pack and clean as I am flying home Saturday morning, but hope springs eternal.  There is also a good chance the TSA won't let me board with these weapons, and goodness knows I'm not taking off my shoes to walk through the scanner.

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