Monday, January 9, 2017

Baby it's cold out there, and in here come to think of it.

I love my puppy, and her needs get top billing at our house.  I hate cold.  Turns out, those two statements are currently in conflict with each other.

Don't worry, she still walks every morning. . . wearing an adorable sweater and overcoat.  I go out for our morning walk looking like a Sherpa ready to ascent Everest (minus the oxygen tank).  The only thing keeping me going at the moment is those mid-60's forecast for this week.

I accept, albeit reluctantly, that cold days in January are necessary if one lives in Nashville and has to go outside.  What I find difficult to accept are the cold days in January found inside my office.  I currently find it necessary to wear a heavier winter coat inside my office than I wear getting from my house to said office.  (Shout out for garage to garage living.)

My office at present . . .

Please ignore the probably illegal space heater on the floor, and if you hear reports of the hospital being aflame - just remember:  I was with you the whole time.

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