Thursday, January 5, 2017

Approach to 2017

I always start the New Year with such great plans.  Like most people, I always resolve to eat healthier, work out more and "be kind" to myself.  I always start out strong, but then at some point, I will slip up on something.  One little slip is all that it takes my brain to then give up on everything.  If I can't be perfectly good, my brain decides it will go for perfectly bad.

To be honest, it's not really working for me.

This year, I'm not making 20 changes that all had to start on 1/1 and require utmost devotion.  This year I am making one change.  Once that one change becomes a habit, then I may add something new.   My goal is to put minimal expectations on the one change.  It obviously had a start date, but no obvious must be completed by date.  (Quite honestly, I am too old to keep beating myself up over things - I bruise so easily these days.)

My one thing you ask?  It's may surprise you, but I'm simply trying to take back my weeknights.

I often work long days that can be a combination of physically, mentally and emotionally draining. This left me some days coming home, and sitting on the couch to "catch my breath" (read vegging out) for the hour or so before it was time for bed.  Some days morphed into most days which is unacceptable.  (It also leaves me with ridiculously long weekend chore lists.  I can not recommend attempting to accomplish all of life's errands, and rest/recover for the next week in a 48 hours time frame, especially when half of them still involve going to work for call.)

Therefore, I am working to accomplish at least one task each night when I get home.  This week, I am working to re-paper and re-organize my kitchen cabinets and pantry.  I am happy to report, working on it a little each night I am almost finished, and it won't have to make it to the weekend chore list. Coco is happy to report that I finally got rid of all the treats she does not like, but that I kept trying to convince her that she might.

Here's hoping for a full 2017 for us all.

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