Monday, December 12, 2016

The Laundry Conundrum

I hesitate to complain about laundry.  Every time I do, my mom or a friend will quickly point out to me that I only have to do laundry for myself and not the "___" other people living in the house.  While I accept the premise of the argument, I counter that doing laundry for one has it's own challenges.  Especially one the one is me.  

For starters, I wait until almost everything that I own is in need of laundry before I put the first load of clothes into the washer.  This is a bad habit developed in college when one had to trek three floors over and down for the laundry room.  (This is also the reason that I happen to own a month's worth of underwear.)

Laundry not being my favorite past time, I then vow to accomplish the entire backlog all in one day.  Not the most exciting way to spend a Saturday I must point out.  It also inevitably leads to a late night of ironing because I also refuse to put clothes back into my closet unless ready to wear.  (Starting to see my problem?)

Last  and certainly not least, I have a strange need to have completely empty laundry baskets.  I have been known to pull off the clothes I am wearing and put on my bath robe so that for a moment in time, everything I own is clean.  For unclear (but clearly in need of therapy) reasons this makes me extremely happy.

Bet you can't guess what I did this weekend?

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