Thursday, December 8, 2016

One of THOSE days

Ever had a day start and within a very short time realize that is was not going to be your best?  Today is that for me.  It started with a 6:45 meeting.  Why anyone wants to meet that early is beyond me.  It is also one of those meetings where one actually has to be awake and interactive.  Hence my first stop of the day.

Suspected it was going to be as bad as it is turning out to be so went straight for Venti with an extra shot.  Another meeting followed and now clinic.

In the meantime, my partner wants to rework the next three months call schedule which we both approved just last week.  A call schedule already made difficult by holidays and four weeks of personal time off (for him) to accommodate his girlfriend's work schedule.  Are you kidding me????? I have a "mood" calendar on my desk.  Today's forecast . .

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