Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Slight miscalculation

Okay - I don't love to admit when I am wrong, but like to think that I am a big enough person to admit it on the rare occasions that it actually happens: :) Boy was I wrong. I mean couldn't have been further from correct. I missed it by a mile - as the saying goes. The colossal mistake that I made - thinking that I could survive a Philly winter.

I know you are already laughing. Half of you are saying I told you so - and the other half sneering that it is still October. My concern is the latter. It is only October!!! Today in Philly, it is a balmy 36 degrees, windy with precipitation. The precipitation I might point out has been snow for a good portion of the day. I'm sorry, but where I come from we call this a bad January day. If this is only October weather here - I am seriously afraid to stay and find out what January is like.

I am not completely naive. I expected that it would get cold. I even expected snow. I didn't expect the wind that makes the cold so much less tolerable, and I figured it would at least be December before the snow arrived. I don't have clothes for this weather. I am not sure they make enough clothes for me to handle this weather. The only bright spot I can see is that you have to wear so many clothes in the winter here, that no one could notice an extra few pounds. A bonus yes, but not quite worth the cost. Call me weak, call me spoiled, just call me a taxi to the airport.

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