Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Well, it is official. My LONG years of training are truly over. As of today, I am officially "staff". Okay officially I am unemployed, but only temporarily. Starting September, I become "them". As I am packing up the last of my things to leave Philly this morning I am more sad than I expected.

It is no secret that there are some things I didn't love about Philly. Most of those things involved winter. However, there are quite a few things I really loved and am going to miss. It is the first time I really lived "downtown" in a city, and even in winter loved that part. There is something I love about getting up on a lazy Saturday, walking downstairs to the coffee shop up the block, and wandering back home. I loved having friends and people so close. I enjoyed simply walking around the city. I have also met many people here that I now consider my friends and who will be missed.

Training - not sure that I will miss that at all !!! I mean really after ten years, what is to miss. I am definitely ready to start calling my own shots and doing things my way.

Leaving for Nashville this morning. Will spend a few days there before on to Georgia. Hoping to see many of you over then next couple of weeks.

Goodbye Philly.

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