Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Floating on Air

I could have shown up to work barefoot today and never realized it because my feet still haven't touched the ground. I didn't get past the "We are pleased to inform you" part of my letter from the Thoracic Board before I started floating on air. My heart was racing faster when I opened the envelope than when I actually took the test. However, since opening said envelope, I have been able to do nothing but grin like an idiot. (I guess at some point I should actually finish reading the letter, but surely they wouldn't be pleased to inform me that I failed - right?)

I have passed other tests, and I have even certified (in General Surgery), but nothing has ever felt quite this good. I am not sure exactly why this feels so good, but I suspect it has a lot to do with this finally being IT. This was the last mountain that I had to climb - I have reached the summit. Sure, I still have to establish a successful career, publish, create "a name" for myself, and maybe even get a life, but I DON'T HAVE TO TAKE ANYMORE TESTS!!!! (I can't tell you how good that sentence feels to type.) I have been having to prove myself on standardized - and not so standardized - tests for the last 30 years. I am happy to report that although much more slowly than all of my friends, I have finally proven myself.

I am sure as the days and weeks pass, the daily grind of work will slowly pull me back down to Earth. However, I plan to stay up here as long as possible - the view is absolutely fantastic.

Thank you all for putting up with me - I know that was a gargantuan task these last few weeks. Now I think it is time we party!


  1. Enjoy the float on air/perma-grin on your face feelings! You earned it!

  2. Congratulations!! You've earned this, and you SHOULD be on Cloud 9. Time to start a NEW chapter in your life :).

  3. So excited for you!! It must be such a fabulous feeling to be finished and to have done so well!
