Wednesday, June 23, 2010

i Take forever

I have a love hate relationship with my iPhone. I love it as a "smart" device, but it leaves a lot to be desired as an actual phone. I will admit that I have let it's general usefulness in every way but as a telecommunication device convince me to keep it around. (I figure eventually enough people will complain about the phone issue that they will have to fix it.)

Tonight started out with a perfect example of why I like my iPhone. I found what seems to be a great new running app that I wanted to download. It is from Runner's World, and guarantees to get me ready for any distance for which I want to aim. When I tried to download, it haughtily informed me that I needed a newer version of iPhone software before I could proceed.

Okay - I haven't backed up my phone in a while anyway, so I'll sync it and get the new software all at the same time. Should have known it sounded too good to be true. When I tried to Sync and download the newer version of the software, I was told that I needed a newer version of iTunes before I could download the new i Phone software. Anyone else sensing a pattern?

That was over 45 minutes ago. The iTunes just finished downloading, and now I'm told it will take another 15 minutes to download the new phone software. One would think I was using dial-up. It must take days that route.

I thought technology was supposed to make life easier - not convinced this is better, but it certainly wins for longer.

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