Friday, March 13, 2009

Bangs @!@#$

Any woman who has ever had bangs and decided to grow them out understands the above title. If you haven't today's post if probably not for you. I "tried" bangs for the first time about 5 years ago. I started slowly with long tapered bangs. I liked and decided to progress to full single length bangs when I moved here to Philly.

I really like them at first. I would probably like them better if I had less fine hair, but after 35 years I have almost made peace with my hair's texture. Of course, I can never make my hair look as good as it does the day I leave the hair salon. I think it is multi factorial, but mainly related to the time or lack there of that I am willing to invest in fixing my hair. I particularly like the fact that it hides my ginormous forehead and the large wrinkle I have developed there.

Why them would I decide to grow them out? Two words - OR hat. I spend most of my day with my hair pulled back and up in an OR hat. I actually have several cloth printed hats that I wear in the operating room (no surprise here that I found a way to shop for OR clothes.) Because I have fine hair, I have to wear a fairly tight hat to keep my hair out of sight. If I wear a loose bouffant hat, my hair slides out the sides. I challenge anyone with bangs to put on a very tight hat and wear it for 10-12 hours. Let me know how your bangs look when you pull it off. I have tried everything to keep them from coming out in 47 directions, but nothing works well.

Thus, I am growing my bangs out yet again. Most frustratingly, I had JUST grown out my bangs. If you are to scared to get your hair cut for 3 months, bangs tend to grow out. When I finally caved in and got a new cut, I was talked into bangs again. I am currently at the incredibly irritating part where they are way too long to be bangs and way too short to be side swept. I fix it most days by wearing a hat. Too bad that won't work for my interview. I doubt the all men that I am interviewing with will understand about growing out bangs. I just have to assume that they are men and probably won't notice.

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