Thursday, March 26, 2009


I wear my "real" work clothes for about 1 1/2 hours a day - an hour in the morning for rounds, and 30 minutes at the end of the day on the way home. The rest of the day I wear hospital provided pajamas - which make no one look cute (sorry Dr Ray). Despite my part-time use of my clothes, I pay full price for them when I buy them. I also - it turns out - pay full price when I dry clean them. I can't believe how much it costs to dry clean clothes.

Okay, not entirely true. I once knew how much it cost, and then I got fat. For the past several months, I have mostly worn scrubs. Now that I can wear my clothes again, I have rediscovered the cost of dry cleaning - and I am not a happy camper. I am not even exactly sure what they actually do to my clothes. I have a sneaky suspicion that they simply hang them in a steam bath, put them on a hanger and give them back to me all the while trying not to laugh. (Sorry by the way for my long sentences - I have been trying to learn to love Faulkner, and it seems to be rubbing off.)

At least my clothes last a really long time argues my dad. What girl on the planet wants her clothes to last forever? I really can't justify buying the new really cute black pencil skirt when I have 6 at home that are still in incredibly good shape. Although Kris would argue that idea never stops me from buying a new denim skirt. Obviously I picked up my dry cleaning today. I vented and now I promise to move on.

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