Monday, August 31, 2009

Sincerest apologies

It seems that I owe my parents an apology. Well not my parents per se, but their house. As many of you know, I started having SERIOUS phone issues when I went home this summer. I had almost zero reception at my parents' house. I blamed the fact that they live in the middle of nowhere (on Nowhere road to be exact). Imagine my surprise when I moved to the big city of Miami and found that I had no reception in my condo.

I went to the Sprint store today and was told that the problem is with my phone, not my parents' address. It will be Wednesday before my replacement phone is here. Today I received 8 text messages all at once - some of which had been sent 6 days ago. Therefore, if any of you have called me out there, and I haven't answered - blame my phone.

In the meantime, I will be begging Nowhere Road for forgiveness.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Moving - Part Deux

I opened this blog a little over a year ago complaining about my moving experience. Unfortunately the intervening year taught me very little. (I have recently learned however that my friend Jessica grades blogs on grammar and punctuation so now I am incredibly paranoid.)

Where to start? The pack up and store went surprisingly well. I notified my moving company a couple of weeks ago about my move in date. I was hoping to have the stuff here last Monday. They told me it couldn't be before Tuesday. The condo rules only allow one move in or out per day and Tuesday was taken. We settled on Wednesday, and I started the journey to Miami.

We arrived without incident on Monday, and I took possession of the condo. It is actually much larger than I remember, and has incredible bay and city views. We mostly rested on Monday and headed to the Keys on Tuesday. When I hadn't heard from the moving company by late Tuesday afternoon, I gave them a call. They informed me that my stuff was stuck in Georgia and wouldn't be here until Thursday. . . . small problem, the elevator was already reserved for Thursday!

I went to the condo management office and begged for an exception. They were gracious enough to grant me one, and the move was on for Thursday morning. Now I should mention here that I live on a small island. The island comes with very specific rules. The moving truck has to be a certain size, and can only be on the island at certain times. I was aware of these rules, and made sure that my moving company also had a copy. Thursday morning arrives and I get a call that my mover is at the gate, but can't get in until 9 am. I was actually foolish enough to think that this whole thing might actually happen.

Was I wrong! At 9:05, I get a call that the moving truck was too big. The moving company admits that they received my fax of the rules and regulations, but didn't bother to read them. I am told that they can have the stuff to me next Tuesday!!! When I point out that I had been promised delivery no later than Aug 28th and Tuesday is Sept 1st, I am told that they are sorry, but I should take solace in the fact that my stuff is only 1 mile away. I won't print my reply.

I again checked with the condo office, and of course Tuesday is already reserved. The current plan is to have delivery on Wednesday. I am of course no longer crazy enough to actually expect it to happen. Unlike last time, I have a few more things with me. I have a TV, my computer and study material. My Florida license still hasn't come through so no September 1st start for me. Hoping it will come through soon because I need the money.

In the meantime, I am trying to go with the flow. I keep reminding myself that in a couple of weeks this will all just be a funny story to tell. It has also given me some time to explore Miami, but I will save that for the next blog. Maybe I have learned something about moving after all.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Miami bound

Leaving Savannah this morning. Had a fantastic visit topped off by an amazing massage yesterday. Swinging back through Athens to pick up my mom and sister, and then off to Miami. Current plan is to do most of the drive Sunday, and then get up Monday morning and go the rest of the way into Miami.

Hoping that I have my belongings. It is looking a little questionable. Why is it that my moves NEVER go smoothly? I am not sure where I go wrong, but my current plan is to just not move for a while. I just keep smiling and reassure myself that they will show up some time.

I still don't have an official Florida Medical License, but at least my file is now complete. Supposedly within two weeks it will be issued (unless they find out something about me that I don't even know about). I can't officially start work until I have it, so I am very anxious to have it issued.

Will give you my first impressions of Miami next post.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Not from Around Here

I headed to Savannah yesterday to visit my friend Carl before I begin the long trek to Miami this weekend. While he was at work this morning, I decided to do a little site seeing around Savannah. Prior trips to Savannah when I was little mostly centered around Tybee Island and the beach so I thought I would see the Historic portion of town.

I love historic towns, and Savannah has all the things I love about them. It is full of beautiful old homes and charming shops and people. However, I was struck by all the tourists I encountered. I really didn't expect to encounter quite such a large number. I noted that most were "not from around here" (which for those of you who don't know is Southern Speak for people not born below the Mason-Dixon line.)

Since I happen to have a lot of friends "not from around here", I decided that I should offer a little Southern travel advice. Something that most of the people that I encountered this morning desperately needed. First and foremost, summer is NOT the best time to visit the South. I know that Summers spent sipping iced tea in rocking chairs on the front porch looks good on TV, any southerner will tell you that it a myth. Average summer temps here are in the high 90's this time of year, and don't even get me started on the humidity. Those of us "from here" spend as little time outside during the day as possible. Early mornings and late evenings are the only time that any sort of outdoor activity is even considered.

If at all possible, spring and fall are the best times to plan a visit. However, this brings up a second point. Seasons are a little different down here. Summer starts in late May/early June and lasts well into September. Spring here can start as early as late February, and fall usually doesn't begin until mid October. (True winter is a myth, but we consider January to be quite cold.)

If one finds themselves in the South in the summer, I offer some wardrobe advice. . . LEAVE ALL BLACK AT HOME. I recognize that black is de rigour for New York and the like, but fashion aside it is just too hot here to wear black. I was amazed at the number of people wearing dark and heavy fabrics. There is a reason that even men wear linen here - clothes need to breathe. I also recommend that you leave your jackets at home - even the "light ones". It DOES NOT cool down enough at night or in the morning to need a jacket. The only covering needed is the occasional restaurant that has the AC blasting. I would also abandon fashion and thrown on some flats. It is much harder to walk in heels when your feet are sweating.

Last but not least, as a personal favor to me, I ask that you say hello to the people that speak to you in the street. They are not going to ask for money and they haven't escaped from a mental institution. They are just doing what their mommas taught them to do - being friendly.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My calendar is wrong

Okay - I am pretty sure that I had arranged a two month vacation between residency and the "real world". I thought two months would give me just enough time to get good and bored. It seemed like the perfect plan. I would spend a few weeks here, a week or two there . . . get to see all of my friends and family with plenty of time left over.

I still contend that the plan was good - however, I think something happened to my calendar. It says that it is August 11th - that can not be correct. If that is correct that means I have to leave for Miami in 11 days. I still need to visit Augusta, Atlanta and Savannah. I have a LOT of stuff I was planning to accomplish and didn't. Where did the time go??? It would be okay if I had something to show for it, but other than bugging the Helou's and my Parent's I have nothing to offer.

I need a new calendar.

Friday, August 7, 2009


Missing - one 5' 2" female. Blond hair. Brown eyes. Carrying a few extra pounds. Once quite motivated and active. Rumor has it she has become incredibly lazy and decidedly unmotivated. Needs to start her job in 3 weeks - reward offered.