Monday, August 30, 2010

The curse is broken?

So here's a story I've never told before. As I have mentioned on many occasions, I am moving to South Beach. As anyone who knows me also knows, moves never go well for me. As a matter of fact, this blog actually started as a place I could vent about my horrible moving experience two years ago. However, another move was necessary so with apologies to my mom and Kris (they are always the recipients of the tearful phone calls detailing the latest moving snag), I contracted a moving company.

I scheduled the packing to be done last Thursday, and the actual move to occur on Friday. Thursday morning I had clinic, so the movers weren't supposed to arrive until after 11 am. At 11 am, I am stuck in traffic on 95 when I get a call from the movers. They very apologetically told me they were running a few minutes late, and would not make it until closer to 11:30. Since it would take me almost all of that time to get home, it worked out perfectly. The packing took forever, but that is less the movers, and more my ridiculous amount of stuff. By 7:30 that evening, I was all packed and ready to be moved. I spent the night at the new place for the first time and headed to work ridiculously early Friday morning to get a few things done before the actual move was supposed to happen.

Friday morning I left work about 8:30 and headed home to meet the movers. I anxiously awaited the phone call telling me they were lost, brought the wrong truck, the truck was full, etc. etc, but my phone remained incredibly silent. At quarter til 10, a knock at the door. The movers were here. They actually were planning to take my stuff from point A to points B and C (part went to the new place and a lot went to storage). Well that just wouldn't do - a snag had to happen at some point. I spent all day waiting for it, but by 5 that evening, I was sitting in the new place surrounded by boxes with the remainder of my stuff safely ensconced in "the vault". What was this some elaborate con? Would I start unpacking the boxes and realize it wasn't my stuff? Something had to be awry? I simply don't move smoothly.

Sure, I'm still surrounded by boxes, and have no idea where things are or will go, but for the most part this hasn't been a horrible experience. May be the moving gods have finally decided to smile on me, or maybe they just didn't realize I would be moving again so quickly. Regardless, I could almost enjoy moving if more went like this one.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Run don't walk

Native American story holds that you never really know a man until you can walk a mile in his shoes. I don't need anyone to walk a mile in my heels, but I sure would love to have someone run a mile in my sneakers. Specifically the first mile of every run that I do.

As most of you know, I am training for my first (and probably last) half-marathon. Things are progressing okay I think, I still spend the first mile of every run convincing my brain that I am not really going to die, and bribing my lungs to keep supplying oxygen. Shouldn't that be a more mile 7 or 8 problem? If I make it past the first mile, things usually get better, but the first mile always sucks. I'm sure this is all mental, but not sure how to fix it. Ideas?

Monday, August 16, 2010

Right clothes / Wrong city?

I spent the weekend trying to prepare for my upcoming move. Part of the preparation included going through my closet (yet again), and trying to find clothes to weed out. The problem: I have a great closet. I truly like and can wear the clothes that live there. Notice I said can wear - not do wear.

It took me many years to arrive at a personal style. From those horrible 80's fashions to my granola stage in the 90's, I finally arrived at a look that worked for my body and which I liked. It is mostly tailored with occasional 50's flair, but I like to think it looks stylish. Everything was going great until I moved here.

Many things about the Miami style aesthetic are not for me. It is way more casual than I feel comfortable being at work, and there is way too much skin showing. I could have Jennifer Aniston's body, and still not be comfortable showing that much skin. (Although if one believes the advert - you only have to drink a certain water to look that way.) However, there is a certain part of the Miami style that is entirely practical and almost necessary. People wear lots of flowy light fabrics here. The reason - heat and humidity. It rarely gets above 95 degrees here, but the humidity never gets below 95% either. Therefore, one sweats standing still. The more tailored or fitted the clothes, the more noticeable the sweat stains. My dry cleaning bills are through the roof because everything only gets one wear.

Do I buy a whole new wardrobe or find a whole new city? Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sunshine and a slice of sand

Well, it's official. I am moving to the beach. Everything was finalized this morning. In two short weeks, I will be waking up each morning to the view of the sun rising out of the Atlantic. It is a smaller place than I have now, but it does come with the ocean nearby so I think it works out okay. The views from the balconies are actually even better than the ones I have now which is saying something. (Now it would really be saying something if I actually spent anytime sitting on the balconies enjoying the view, but I digress.)

I am excited about the new location, but stressed about the move. Let's be honest - when have I ever had a smooth moving experience? Trying not to jinx myself, but already expecting the worst. Distracting myself by imagining my new "beach" lifestyle where I take long walks along the water's edge, wander around along Ocean drive, sample the fabulous dining along Lincoln Road, or shop along Collins Avenue. I know probably never going to happen, but a girl can dream.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I forgot

Rainy season. When one lives in the Tropics there are trade offs - warm dry winters are great, but must be balanced with the wet season. For South Florida, that is June thru September - a time of the year where it rains every afternoon and sometimes all day for days at a time. We are currently going thru the latter. It has basically been raining here since Friday.

However, I am convinced it is called the wet season not for the rain per se, but for the fact that you always end up wet. Umbrellas are mostly useless here. Rain doesn't fall in a strictly up and down direction - it prefers a more side to side route. I tried a rain coat - I looked like a hot four year old waiting on the bus. Even if I could figure out how to keep my clothes dry and retain my dignity, my shoes are hopeless. I live in a city that is on average 6 feet above sea level. Let's just say drainage is an issue.

Oh well, I'm sure in a few months when I have finally dried out, and am enjoying the beach in December it will all seem worth it. As for now, it just seems damp.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Eyes up here please

Hands up for anyone that recently went to a meeting, looked around the table and actually made eye contact with a single person. Okay. Now hands up for anyone who recently went to a meeting, looked around the table and noticed that every single person was entranced by their smart phone. In my world, a lot more people raised their hand with the latter.

It's not just meetings either. I now find myself carrying on complete conversations with people, and they never look up from their email. I used to have trouble recognizing people without an OR mask, now I struggle recognizing people without their heads being bent over a phone. In the cafeteria, entire tables of people are all glued to their phones and completely ignoring one another.

I get multi-tasking - really I do, but at the end of the day how many emails do you get a day that are REALLY that important. I actually have to occasionally make life and death decisions, and I can assure you that none of those decisions involved an email. There is nothing on my iPhone that can't wait until I finish a meeting, lunch or a conversation.

What is our new obsession with being constantly connected, and how is it not rude to be completely distracted from the person that actually made an effort to speak to you in person? I recently sent an email to the distracted person I was trying to discuss a case with - it read: please look at me.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Shouldn't I be having more fun?

It is said that time flies when you are having fun. I will concede that time is flying, but this is not my idea of fun. I would use adjectives such as exhausting, stressful, overworked, overextended, exasperating, maddening, distressing - well you get the idea. Notably absent on that list - fun. Also notable absent - accomplishments.

If asked, I would tell you that I have been extremely busy the last several weeks - thus the quietness of my blog. My days are one big blur of working, avoiding homelessness and the gym. Even weekends these days are indistinguishable. However, I sometimes feel that I have little to show for it.

Things continue to slowly pick up at work, but I would love to be busier. I was just selected to be in a new advertising campaign for the Sylvester Cancer Center. I was told that I have a good "face for lung cancer". I am trying very hard not to read too much into that statement. Not sure I am comfortable with the whole idea of advertising, and certainly not comfortable with the idea of being on TV or even worse a billboard, but it doesn't appear as I have much choice.

As for the homeless avoiding - progress I think. Although the condo sales market continues to do poorly down here, the rental market is hopping. I am trying to move to South Beach so that I will have the opportunity to drive a little less and walk a little more. I miss walking for a cup of coffee on a quiet Saturday morning (decaf these days of course). I seem to not be alone in this desire. Condos come and go from the rental market in less than 12 hrs, and not cheap. Not kidding!

It looks like I have finally found a place, but will not be comfortable until I have a key in my hand. I had to settle on something furnished, don't even get me started, which means that now I have to put my stuff into storage. At least, I will have great views, a short 4 block walk to the Atlantic, and a guest room. Now if only I take advantage of this new found neighborhood and get out and meet people. Of course that means I would have to spend less time at work, but that's a fight for another day. Never fear, when time is flying this fast, fun has to be just around the corner. Right?