Monday, August 2, 2010

Shouldn't I be having more fun?

It is said that time flies when you are having fun. I will concede that time is flying, but this is not my idea of fun. I would use adjectives such as exhausting, stressful, overworked, overextended, exasperating, maddening, distressing - well you get the idea. Notably absent on that list - fun. Also notable absent - accomplishments.

If asked, I would tell you that I have been extremely busy the last several weeks - thus the quietness of my blog. My days are one big blur of working, avoiding homelessness and the gym. Even weekends these days are indistinguishable. However, I sometimes feel that I have little to show for it.

Things continue to slowly pick up at work, but I would love to be busier. I was just selected to be in a new advertising campaign for the Sylvester Cancer Center. I was told that I have a good "face for lung cancer". I am trying very hard not to read too much into that statement. Not sure I am comfortable with the whole idea of advertising, and certainly not comfortable with the idea of being on TV or even worse a billboard, but it doesn't appear as I have much choice.

As for the homeless avoiding - progress I think. Although the condo sales market continues to do poorly down here, the rental market is hopping. I am trying to move to South Beach so that I will have the opportunity to drive a little less and walk a little more. I miss walking for a cup of coffee on a quiet Saturday morning (decaf these days of course). I seem to not be alone in this desire. Condos come and go from the rental market in less than 12 hrs, and not cheap. Not kidding!

It looks like I have finally found a place, but will not be comfortable until I have a key in my hand. I had to settle on something furnished, don't even get me started, which means that now I have to put my stuff into storage. At least, I will have great views, a short 4 block walk to the Atlantic, and a guest room. Now if only I take advantage of this new found neighborhood and get out and meet people. Of course that means I would have to spend less time at work, but that's a fight for another day. Never fear, when time is flying this fast, fun has to be just around the corner. Right?

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