Monday, August 16, 2010

Right clothes / Wrong city?

I spent the weekend trying to prepare for my upcoming move. Part of the preparation included going through my closet (yet again), and trying to find clothes to weed out. The problem: I have a great closet. I truly like and can wear the clothes that live there. Notice I said can wear - not do wear.

It took me many years to arrive at a personal style. From those horrible 80's fashions to my granola stage in the 90's, I finally arrived at a look that worked for my body and which I liked. It is mostly tailored with occasional 50's flair, but I like to think it looks stylish. Everything was going great until I moved here.

Many things about the Miami style aesthetic are not for me. It is way more casual than I feel comfortable being at work, and there is way too much skin showing. I could have Jennifer Aniston's body, and still not be comfortable showing that much skin. (Although if one believes the advert - you only have to drink a certain water to look that way.) However, there is a certain part of the Miami style that is entirely practical and almost necessary. People wear lots of flowy light fabrics here. The reason - heat and humidity. It rarely gets above 95 degrees here, but the humidity never gets below 95% either. Therefore, one sweats standing still. The more tailored or fitted the clothes, the more noticeable the sweat stains. My dry cleaning bills are through the roof because everything only gets one wear.

Do I buy a whole new wardrobe or find a whole new city? Decisions, decisions, decisions.

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