Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sunshine and a slice of sand

Well, it's official. I am moving to the beach. Everything was finalized this morning. In two short weeks, I will be waking up each morning to the view of the sun rising out of the Atlantic. It is a smaller place than I have now, but it does come with the ocean nearby so I think it works out okay. The views from the balconies are actually even better than the ones I have now which is saying something. (Now it would really be saying something if I actually spent anytime sitting on the balconies enjoying the view, but I digress.)

I am excited about the new location, but stressed about the move. Let's be honest - when have I ever had a smooth moving experience? Trying not to jinx myself, but already expecting the worst. Distracting myself by imagining my new "beach" lifestyle where I take long walks along the water's edge, wander around along Ocean drive, sample the fabulous dining along Lincoln Road, or shop along Collins Avenue. I know probably never going to happen, but a girl can dream.

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