Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I seem to be missing something

Okay - I'll be honest . . . I am missing something. I am sure there is a reason than John McCain selected Sarah Palin, but I can't figure our what it is. I know he needed someone young, and I know he needed a minority, but surely there were young minority Republicans that had less issues. I could really care less that her daughter is pregnant. Although a little piece of me wonders if the religious right would be so understanding and approving of a 17 year old unwed mother is she was a Democrat - can we say "family values".

I am a little confused about what Palin has to offer. She has been outside of the United States less times than I have. She lists as a major part of her Executive experience serving on the PTA - now I have no children, but when did the PTA become such a large organization in Alaska? I know that I am missing something - John McCain is a smarter politician than this choice seems to me. Why her?

Unrelated, Labor Day sucked. Hope you all had a better one. I operated ALL day. Did get a work-out in today, and tomorrow is another running day for me. I can now use my quads again so hopefully it will be a good run.

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