Friday, September 26, 2008

Maybe I do have a problem

So we all know that I LOVE to shop. I shop for many reasons. I think first and foremost it is a stress reliever for me. When I am in a store looking at pretty things, I can forget whatever is wrong in my world for that amount of time. I shop for companionship. Some of the best times I have ever spent with my girlfriends involved shopping. It is not all about the shopping itself, but it is the fun of spending time with your friends. I shop for sport. I get a thrill with putting a really cute outfit together at a bargain. Regardless of the reasons I shop, I at least recall what I buy - or at least I thought I did.

This morning as I was getting ready for work, I walked into my closet for shoes. Clinic day - so I had to actually wear real clothes. I was looking for black heels and clearly saw in my head my black heels. I flew past two boxes labeled open toe black heels, several pair of black heel sandals, and saw the box labeled black heels. Imagine my surprise when I opened the box and saw a pair of shoes that I would have sworn that I had never seen. I am not kidding. Not only do I not remember wearing these shoes, I have no idea where or when I might have bought them. They were wickedly cute, and look like shoes that I would buy, but I honestly can not recall buying them.

I have never fogotten shoes - I can vividly describe my shoes at a moments notice. I have forgotten clothes before - but usually when I see them I have the "oh yeah" moment. I remember where or when I bought it. (Usually involves some great sale and my friends Kris or Jackie.) This is the first time that I can not conjure any memories. Maybe I have reached the point of my addiction where I am having black outs. I wonder what else I may have bought that trip? I guess rehab is next for me. Oh well, I will be like Britney and avoid it for now. I have a Presidential debate to watch.

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