Sunday, January 4, 2009

One of them

Well, it's happening - I am assimilating. When I first moved here, I noticed a couple of things right off the bat about Philadelphians. One, they are not the friendliest sort - don't even try to make eye contact on the street. Two, they all constantly walk around EVERYWHERE with their ipods in place. Once it started getting cold, I realized that they are also crazy. It can be ridiculously COLD here and people are out on the streets everywhere. Often, with no apparent purpose, I think they just stand on the corners and chat.

I was quite smug in my Southern superiority. I smiled to everyone I passed, enjoy the sounds of the city not drowned out by music, and like normal people abhor the cold.

At least until today. As I mentioned previously, I am on call this weekend. I had only four people to see this morning, and no plans to round until 8 am. Therefore, I decided to walk to work. I did this a lot back in the summer and fall. It is about 22 blocks, but a nice walk if you have time. However, aside from last night by necessity, I have avoided walking the 20 minutes in the cold. Did I mention it was 24 degrees this morning in Philadelphia? Did I also mention that Susan bought me a new ipod touch for Christmas, and it seemed the perfect time to try it out?

Off I start, at a slow leisurely pace with ipod in place talking to no one on my stroll to the hospital. I have become one of them. I really need to get out of this town.

P.S. Happy Birthday Giulia - Can't wait to see pirate pictures!

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