Saturday, January 10, 2009

Selfish Saturday

No huge surprise to anyone - I have been a little stressed lately. As I was coming home late last evening, I decided it was time to quit whining about my life and do something about my attitude. I gave myself permission to make today all about me. I would completely take myself out of the outside world, and make peace with myself.

I started by turning off my cell phones. Don't get me wrong, I love the convenience of cell phones, but occasionally I miss being free. It seems that lately in life we are always accessible. We never have time simply to enjoy our own company without interruption. I am sure when I turn them both back on in the morning there may be hell to pay, but it is a risk I was willing to take. Secondly I slept late. This was harder for me as I have often complained. However, last night I decided to put my medical degree to good use. I medicated myself. Don't worry - it was nothing more that a big dose of benadryl, but it both helped me fall asleep and stay asleep.

When I finally got out of bed this morning, it was almost 9am. This is incredibly decadent for me. I had some breakfast and then ran downstairs to the gym. I then spent a few hours reading before sitting down to lunch. I had lunch with a few West Wing reruns, and then took a nap. This evening, I have watched LOST and played with my iTunes reworking some play lists. I enjoyed a nice relaxing bubble bath, and even spent some time in a few yoga poses. Next up, I am heading back to bed.

I haven't even spoken today - probably only something you can do if you are single, but kind of weird. Don't worry, I haven't gone off the deep end. I simply needed a day that was all about me. I know this sounds incredibly selfish, but for me it was simply about recharging. I will reenter the world tomorrow with more energy than I have had lately. I have also made peace with myself. I won't say that I will still not worry occasionally, but have accepted that what is meant to happen will. It is time to start putting some positive energy back into my universe.

Tomorrow I am making my catch up with friends day. So we'll be in touch.

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