Thursday, December 3, 2009

OR conversations

At the END of my second case yesterday, I was sitting at the computer filling out the ridiculous amount of paperwork that comes with the title of Attending. My patient was being extubated and moved off the OR table.

All of a sudden the OR nurse comes over to me and says: "you have to help with the move until you are the attending". I reply: "I am the attending". Her response: "Oh, I assumed you were a new fellow or resident".

My question - if the only two people that had scrubbed either of my two cases that day were me and the fellow that the nurse knew - who and more importantly where did she think the attending in charge of the case was?


  1. I think I'd be giving that little lady a hard time for a while . . . .

    Pay attention!

  2. The stupidity of some people is unreal!
