Monday, February 15, 2010

Heading West

Although not a huge fan of long plane flights, I am really excited about my trip tomorrow. I am flying the six hours to LA tomorrow to attend a Thoracic course in Beverly Hills. It is not the location (although time has been set aside for shopping) or the course (although I am looking forward to it) that excites me. I am simply ecstatic to escape Miami for a little while.

I know it is probably not a good sign that this early in my career here I am this excited to leave, but nonetheless that is the truth. I am sure it is a combination of many things, not least of which was a tough week last week, but a little distance between me and my job at the moment is much desired. Who knows, maybe I will bump into George Clooney, he will fall hopelessly in love and whisk me away to Italy to live happily ever after. Don't take my fantasies - they are all I've got at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck meeting George Clooney! Enjoy your time away. I'm counting the days until your visit to DC - you know, the Cherry Blossoms are already starting to whisper from under this record-setting ridiculous pile of snow.
