Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Profiled, Exposed, Analyzed and Jet-lagged

Whew!!! It has been a long week. When I last wrote, I was heading out to LA. It was quite the interesting trip. From a work perspective, the education was amazing. I really feel I learned something that I can apply in my practice to truly benefit my patients. From a life perspective, the education was eye-opening. Let me explain.

It started at the Miami airport on my way out of town. The TSA and I are old friends. I take off my shoes and jacket without being asked. I throw away my water bottle and though I personally think it is ridiculous - abide by the 3-1-1 rule. This time - a new request. I was asked to place ALL of my electronic items in a separate bin. Knowing better than to argue, I started rummaging for anything that had a battery. I am always spouting off about how much I hate technology and computers so surely this isn't going to be that bad. I pull out my Netbook, my iPhone, my iPod, my Nook, my Garmin GPS, and let's not forget my camera. Are you kidding me? I had officially been profiled a geek. The only thing missing was my pocket protector. After this completely demoralizing experience, I was off to Cali-for-ni-a.

Once in LA, we head off to this swanky hotel in Beverly Hills called the SLS. The lobby decor should have been my first clue, but am not sure anything could have prepared me for my room. The hotel must have saved a fortune on paint costs. Every wall in the place was covered by a mirror. Even the TV was in a mirrored wall. Only the ceiling and the windows were spared a reflection of me. We were meeting for dinner that evening, so I decided to jump in the shower and wash off the airport smell. Did I mention that the mirror thing carried over into the bathroom and shower? There was a slate floor with one 12 inch piece of slate going up the side of the wall - the rest ALL mirrors. I have now seen views of myself that no girl should really ever see. I know get why everybody is thin in LA. Who has any appetite after seeing all that?

Dinner and the hospital the next day were good. I met the other Thoracic surgeons there, and talked to a Covidien representative from St. Louis. I was of course the only female, but that part was not surprising. At dinner Wednesday night, I got the "are you married" question. Very standard question - usually I say "No. How about you?". The conversation quickly shifts back to the asker and we carry on without a hitch. This night was different. I got to listen as 5 men (4 of which had only met me the night before) discussed my singledom. They made some valid points, and some hilarious ones. Their conclusion - I have control issues that prevent me from opening up and letting someone else have the ability to hurt me. Scary that they figured it out that quickly.

I had another day in the OR on Thursday and then flew home. I was able to catch an earlier flight, but not sure the red-eye could have been any worse. I simply don't handle time changes very well. My body gets confused and goes into melt-down. I worked on Friday - if you call sitting at my desk with blurry eyes looking at a computer - work. The weekend was not much better. I napped Friday when I first got home and then couldn't go back to sleep till ridiculously late. I spent all weekend trying to get back on a "normal" sleep cycle.

I am now back in the routine of work, but I have a new mission. I must become less predictable, or at the very least - less easy to read. Oh, and time to get rid of a few electronics.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back to the right coast! Sounds like a good trip - did you get to eat at Bazaar at SLS? I've been DYING to go there. We had Micah last year, so it didn't work out for us.

    Good luck being unpredictable! - Jessica
