Thursday, February 4, 2010

Platitudes and other dangers

Be wary of cliches. This is my latest lesson learned. Cliche is defined as a trite expression whose effectiveness has been lost due to overuse. Such things as "the grass is always greener", "it is what it is", and the one that has bit me recently "be careful what you ask for".

I have been whining recently about wanting to be busier. Let us just say that I have learned my lesson these last two weeks. I don't know if I have ever been this tired. I thought last week was bad with four emergency cases and operating late. This week comes in a close second. My patient roster has exploded, and I have been operating like a mad woman. So why am I complaining? I'm not really, it is just that I am desperately in need of a nap. At least "there is an end in sight", I have the weekend off.

"Can't I have my cake, and eat it too?" Oh well, "this too shall pass."

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you are swamped - don't they say it is either feast or famine? I hope things stabilize a bit for you.
