Thursday, January 28, 2010

Immersed or Drowned?

I finally decided to stop whining about not knowing enough Spanish, and actually start trying to learn. I bought the Rosetta Stone CD's because - if you believe what you read - they have the highest success rate. Supposedly their success is based on the concept of immersion. The theory is that you "immerse" yourself in the language thus learning to think, read, write and function in the language as opposed to translating from one's native tongue to the new language.

Sounds great in theory, but like many things theory is easier than reality. I am on my third lesson, and haven't heard the first word of English yet. I had to choose my native language at the beginning, so I know there must be some English in here somewhere, but I haven't found it yet. Even the instructions were in Spanish. I have spent a lot of time so far looking at three pictures and trying to figure out which of the things that I am looking at is the caballo. Sure it was easy enough to figure out that the picture of the coffee must be the cafe, and that leche is milk, but who knew cielo was sky.

Yo Se'. Yo Se'. I will be patient.

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