Monday, January 11, 2010

High score - Bad

I have never been good at games where the object was to score low. It just seems contrary to me. Therefore, I long ago wrote off golf and Hearts as fun games for me. I am now officially writing off mammograms also. Turns out, I don't score low enough to play them well either.

Explanation: Mammograms are scored on a scale of 0 to 6. Zero shouldn't really count - basically it means we screwed up and didn't get good enough pictures. One is normal and 6 is breast cancer. My score - a four. Long story short, they see something on X-ray and ultrasound that none of us can feel. My only risk factor is the fact that I have never put my uterus to "good use". Sure I can go out to dinner whenever I want without worrying about a babysitter , and I don't have to put anyone through college, but I have increased my risk of cancer. I guess everything does come with drawbacks.

They think it is probably benign, but feel there are two too many qualifiers in that statement and wanted a biopsy which I had done this morning. The kicker - it takes over a week to get the results back. I'm going to go run up the score on a game of Spades or tennis.


  1. I'm sorry Tammy... Hang in there girl.

  2. Very scary. My mom always has to go through that - she gets fibroids in her breasts and she has had to go through a ton of biopsies. Good luck!
