Monday, January 4, 2010

Good Riddance 2009

I can't say that I was all that sorry to bid adieu to 2009. I can only hope that 2010 is less stressful. In the spirit of the Season, I decided to make my New Year's resolutions. Here's hoping I can keep them past Friday.

#1 - Time management - Fact: I work a lot of hours. However, so do lots of people. They still make time to have a life. It is time that I stop blaming my job, and learn how to better manage it.

#2 - Patience - I have never in my life possessed patience, and as I get older I only seem to get worse. I don't want it now - I want it yesterday. This holds for all aspects of my life. Poets write that anticipation has its own reward. It is time for me to find out.

#3 - Quitting - I tend not to stick to things in which I don't excel. Be it tennis, painting, speaking Spanish, dating or running, if I don't immediately conquer it, I abandon it. It is past time for me to recognize that some things come through hard work and multiple failures - not natural ability.

#4 - Accepting praise - For someone with such a sizable ego, I accept praise very poorly. I usually make excuses or give credit to someone else. Time to learn to say a heartfelt thank you and move on.

#5 - Venturing out of my box - I tend to avoid things that make me uncomfortable or that are not familiar. I like to stay firmly in my comfort zone. I am such an adrenaline junky at work - time to take a little of that on the road.

As you have probably deduced, my resolutions have a general theme. It all goes back to learning to embrace my life where it currently exists, and stop waiting to live it until some future perfect date.

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