Thursday, January 14, 2010

Time Out

The "Time Out" technique wasn't around when I was a kid. My mom had her own version - it was called my room. However, I think this was more to get me out of her hair than anything. It wasn't truly punishment - I would always go there and read. As usually, I am getting side-tracked. Back to the point . . .

I am putting myself in Time Out for bad attitude. For reasons that I won't even bother to go into, I haven't been in the chippiest of moods lately (and I am inventing words). Today, I seemed to reach my breaking point. It occurred shortly after the second Latino male in as many hours couldn't help but tell the poor helpless "mamasita" how to do her job. Thankfully, for the sake of my employment, when I get TRULY angry, I get REALLY quiet. Let's just say that you can hear a pin drop.

If you need me, I will be sitting on the naughty mat. What's the rule - one minute per year of age? I don't think 36 minutes will be long enough.

1 comment:

  1. For what it's worth, I like "chippiest".....I use "chippy" a lot, so why not "chippiest?"
