Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Oh no she didn't

In my ongoing effort to improve my longevity, I saw the doctor today for a "check-up". I was initially quite smug. I was able to brag that I am working out with a trainer, and have restarted running. I wasn't thrilled with the number on the scales, but it was a perfectly acceptable number.

We discussed the blood work that she wanted to order, scheduling a mammogram and the gyn that she recommends. I thought I was going to get a nice pat on the back about how well I have cared for myself. Then, she does the physical. I have fibrocystic changes in my breasts. This was not news to me, I have always had them. Medically, it is not that huge of a deal. My doctor however, thinks that we should try to "fix" them. Her prescription - give up caffeine.

Yep, you heard me correctly. She recommended that I give up all caffeine. I am not a big fan of patients who come to see me, and then ignore everything I tell them, but surely asking me to give up caffeine crossed the line. My face must have said what I was biting my tongue to hold. She looked at me after her "announcement", smiled, and said initially just cut it down to 1 cup a day. I'll try. (Since Diet Coke comes in a bottle, it shouldn't count for my total right?)


  1. Hahahaha - a taste of some medicine! You are the doctor here, if you KNOW it is good advice, then perhaps you shouldn't behave like your patients when they ignore YOUR good advice?

    I know, I know - caffeine is worth more than all that, right? Good luck in your decision!

  2. I like you're thinking. And why "cut"....and not "cut back?"

