Sunday, February 7, 2010

No Judging!

Okay - I am about to make a confession that will have you scratching your head or even chuckling in disbelief. I only ask that before you completely write me off as crazy, pathetic or just plain sad that you have to remember that I have never claimed to be normal.

My confession - I spent an entire hour at the grocery store today and had a blast. Not amusement park fun, but a truly enjoyable time. I had forgotten how much I really enjoy Whole Foods. I shopped there almost exclusively in Nashville, but in Philly the Trader Joe's was more convenient and won out most of the time. Here there is a Publix on every corner. I have nothing against Publix, but there is nothing quite like the Whole Foods experience.

Whole Foods makes me wish I was a Foodie. I wander around, explore, and dream of fantastic feats of gastronomic prowess. Only at Whole Foods do vegetables sound so exciting, fruit looks so sexy, and spices so exotic. Now I have no idea what one does with Kabocha squash or nori, but don't you want to find out? They even turn packaging into pieces of art. Have you walked down the cooking oil aisle recently? The olive oil containers alone could decorate a shelf in a museum.

I know you are all thinking that I have finally fallen off the precipice, and need to seek professional help, but as I sit here typing the most amazing smells are arising from my kitchen. Most of the ingredients I can even pronounce.

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